About us

Esther Tortajada
I am a mother of three daughters and happily married. With the birth of our third daughter, in 2015, the idea of quitting my job after 20 years came up, and to open a Center in order to be able to reconcile with our family adapting the schedule to our needs.
Beninatura is made with great enthusiasm and love. It is a therapy center for the care of the person and for their well-being, it adapts to the needs of the patient.
With three independent rooms open to any professional who needs to go through consultation, and a shop section that combines phytotherapy and beautiful things to have a detail with someone.
Meet our team

He is a professional committed to his work, with constant training and with a clear vocation for the care and pampering of the patient.

Maya Pasveer
Our aesthetic technician, specialist in photoepilation treatments. She has extensive experience in this field, perfectly mastering the diagnosis of skin phototype and hair removal techniques with both pulsed light and laser equipment.

Santi Safont
Osteopath and Therapist
Expert in physical health and healthy habits

Susana Castell
Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics, Mesopuncture, and Acupuncture
With 25 years of experience

Anouk Cerquenia
Psicoterapeuta en acompañamiento de procesos vitales como la adolescencia, crianza o duelos. Especializada en autoestima
Responsible for personal development projects for companies

Unicist homeopath
Expert in treating physical and emotional symptoms, in order to be free of them and thus be able to fulfill our purposes

Holistic Coach
She helps people suffering from anxiety, stress and depression to enjoy their life and heal their relationships through a holistic approach of mind, body and spirit